Upwards of 600 patients have reported fungal infections including fungal meningitis since receiving doses of a tainted steroid, say dangerous drug attorneys with Harrell & Harrell. Product liability and dangerous drug attorneys are ramping up their clients’ cases against the New England Compounding Center (NECC). Thus far, more than 50 lawsuits have been filed against the small compounding pharmacy at the center of the fungal meningitis outbreak that has taken nearly 40 lives. In October, patients who had received injections of a steroid medication packaged and marketed by the NECC between May and September began falling sick. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, exhaustion and difficulty with speech and attention. To date, 37 have died. An investigation by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention traced the tainted steroid to three lots of medication from the NECC, based in Framingham, Mass. By then, the contaminated formula had been distributed to 75 medical facilities in 23 states, including Florida, and doctors had administered doses of the medication to nearly 14,000 patients. By mid-December, 19 states had reported a total of 590 patients with fungal infection, 368 of which were proven cases of fungal meningitis. Victims who have since developed fungal meningitis deal not only with symptoms of a very serious illness, but with the financial and emotional fallout as well. Even those who have insurance can face thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. All of this together can cause significant strain on a victim and his or her family and caretakers. Lawsuits filed target multiple defendants including the NECC; its pharmacist and co-founder Barry Cadden; co-founder Greg Congliaro; sister company Ameridose; marketing and support arm Medical Sales Management; and individual physicians and healthcare facilities that victims visited for their treatments. If you believe that you, your spouse or dependent received an injection of the tainted steroid, contact an attorney experienced in dangerous drug and defective medical product cases. With offices in Jacksonville, Orlando and throughout Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia, Harrell and Harrell has successfully secured fair compensation for many victims affected by dangerous or tainted drugs. Call 800-251-1111 or complete our online form for a free case evaluation.