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Social Security Disability – How the Government Decides Whether you Qualify

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits? Having an attorney on your side can help. Applying for Social Security Disability benefits? Having an attorney on your side can help. Social Security disability benefits are meant to help you financially if you are permanently disabled and subsequently out of work.? They are similar to insurance policies in that they are contractual, which means that each party must meet specified terms for the agreement to remain valid. These terms include specific medical standards for disabling injuries or illnesses, and not everyone who believes they have a valid claim will qualify. The top three questions you’ll have to answer in your claim for social security benefits are:


    1. Are you working?


    1. What medical conditions prevent you from working?


    1. Can we prove your disability through medical evidence?


Your answers to these basic questions, and many supporting inquiries, will determine whether you are awarded or denied disability benefits. While multiple factors ultimately will be considered, the most simplified premise is that if you are able to perform your previous duties or adapt to new ones, you may be denied benefits, or your benefits may be limited to a set amount of time. The Social Security benefit claims process can be confusing and cumbersome. To assure that you get the benefits to which you’re entitled, contact a Social Security disability attorney. Jacksonville’s Harrell and Harrell specializes in helping clients secure the help they need after a disabling injury or illness. Reach us at 800-251-1111.