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Social Security Disability Lawyers Orlando


Social security disability lawyers in Orlando play a major role in helping area residents pursue their benefits claim for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). You may have heard the horror stories about how long it can take to get the government’s approval for any disability claim and how often an initial filing for benefits is denied. At the Law Office of Harrell & Harrell, we can’t predict the future but our Social Security disability lawyers can provide a properly documented Social Security claim that is correctly submitted. If your disability claim has already been denied, it is important to take timely actions and pursue your benefits compensation through the Social Security’s process for appeals. Call us toll-free at 1-800-251-1111 to speak directly with a Social Security attorney about your case.

We understand the complexities involved when seeking approval for disability benefits and our Social Security disability lawyers can review the details of your claim and provide you with a no cost, no obligation consultation to review your options. Once your claim is documented, the application for Social Security benefits is filed at the local field office. Unfortunately, most claims are denied due to a failure to establish the severity of disability based on the medical evidence initially provided. This can be very frustrating for those individuals who are truly disabled but it has become part of the process when seeking Social Security disability and supplemental security income. Typically, filing another benefits claim will only result in another denial for exactly the same reasons. Instead of submitting a second application for benefits or supplemental income, our disability lawyers will help you prepare a well-documented appeal for reconsideration.

Disability Lawyers serving Orlando

Today, the approval system as established by Social Security disability laws are tricky at best. So, taking the time to learn as much about the Social Security Administration’s process can actually expedite your approval. In Florida, the Division of Disability Determinations (DDD) is responsible for determining the medical eligibility for claimants. The DDD also oversees the state’s “medically needy” benefits program as well as conducting case reviews for Social Security disability claims and determining the continued eligibility for existing beneficiaries under the federal program. Although it is impossible to know how long the approval process will take, listed below are some of the pitfalls to avoid when seeking benefits:

  • Failure to Follow Your Doctor’s Orders
  • Application Not Submitted in a Timely Manner
  • Incomplete Documentation of Physical Disability
  • Missing Social Security Administration Deadlines
  • No Show for Your Social Security Disability Hearing
  • Being Unprepared at Any Disability Case Hearing
  • Filing a New Application Instead of an Appeal

After your initial disability case review is completed, the application is returned to the local Social Security office or the Department of Children & Families for a final determination of eligibility and the effectuation of Social Security disability benefits. If you are filing a Social Security benefits claim for compensation under the state’s medically needy benefits program, your application is initially filed with the Department of Children & Families. However, in either case, the benefits claim will be forwarded to the Division of Disability Determinations for approval of medical eligibility. For your FREE consultation with a Social Security disability lawyer, contact our office today at 1-800-251-1111.

Who Qualifies for Social Security Disability?

The Federal Social Security Disability Act defines disability as the inability of an individual to engage in substantial gainful activity by reason of physical or mental impairment. So, if you have a severe medical problem that prevents you from performing gainful employment for at least twelve contiguous months, you may be entitled to Social Security disability benefits or supplemental security income. The cause of impairment must be determined by a physician and the medical disability must be expected to last for a period longer than 12 contiguous months. In general, both the SSDI and SSI programs are intended for long-term disability compensation. The good news for disabled applicants is that once the medical conditions have been approved, the SSDI or SSI benefits may continue until the claimant’s death.

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